About the Detroit Area Workforce Funders Collaborative
In recent years, the workforce development landscape has drastically shifted in Detroit and Southeast Michigan. Private foundations have engaged and invested in workforce development and the focus has been on Detroit and others in the region (Wayne, Oakland and Macomb Counties).
Since 2019, a group of funders has joined together to learn and assess the workforce landscape and identify opportunities to align. The Detroit Area Workforce Funders Collaborative is a group of private funders established to support the alignment around common workforce development goals and strategies. The collaborative engages with local partners and is prioritizing worker voice and people-centered approaches.
Membership in the collaborative is voluntary and open to private foundations and corporate philanthropy operating and/or investing in workforce training and public workforce systems for adults and youth in metropolitan Detroit.
The collaborative does not presently award grants or accept proposals seeking financial support.
Heidi Alcock, McGregor Fund and Pierre Batton, JPMorgan Chase & Co. co-chair the group. Leila Hilal directs programs for the Detroit Area Workforce Funders Collaborative.

Current Members